
Implementation specific extensions to OpenMfx API. These MUST NOT be used by plugins, but are here for communication between the core host and application-specific code (in mfxModifier). This is (among others) a way to keep this part of the code under the Apache 2 license while the host application might be released under GPL.


Implementation specific extensions to OpenFX Mesh Effect API. These MUST NOT be used by plugins, but are here for communication between the core host and Blender-specific code (in mfxModifier). This is among others a way to keep this part of the code under the Apache 2 license while mfxModifier must be released under GPL. Blind pointer to some internal data representation that is not cleared on mesh release, e.g. pointer to a Mesh object.


As a member of a mesh effect, pointer to current raw ofx host As a member of a host, pointer to the C++ MfxHost


Custom callback called before releasing mesh data, converting the host mesh data into some internal representation, typically stored into mesh property kOfxMeshPropInternalData.

Callback signature must be: OfxStatus callback(OfxHost *host, OfxPropertySetHandle meshHandle); (type BeforeMeshReleaseCbFunc)

typedef OfxStatus (*BeforeMeshReleaseCbFunc)(OfxHost*, OfxMeshHandle)#

Custom callback called when getting mesh data, converting the internal data to the host mesh data. Internal data is typically got from mesh property kOfxMeshPropInternalData.

Callback signature must be: OfxStatus callback(OfxHost *host, OfxPropertySetHandle meshHandle); (type BeforeMeshGetCbFunc)

typedef OfxStatus (*BeforeMeshGetCbFunc)(OfxHost*, OfxMeshHandle)#

Custom callback called before allocating mesh data. This can be used to allocate the mesh on host side rather than using the default allocation mechanism of the MfxHost.

Callback signature must be: OfxStatus callback(OfxHost *host, OfxPropertySetHandle meshHandle); (type BeforeMeshAllocateCbFunc)

typedef OfxStatus (*BeforeMeshAllocateCbFunc)(OfxHost*, OfxMeshHandle)#

Internal property on attributes that are used to store attribute requests