Available plugins#
This page intends to list all the publicly available OpenMfx plugins, let us know if we forgot yours!
To begin with, there are sample plugins in the OpenMfx repository: examples/plugins. Some of them are outdated, relevant examples are for instance mfx_test_parameters_plugin
and mfx_uv_transform
MfxVCG is an example of OpenMfx plug-in that provides mesh filters from VCGlib, the core library of MeshLab.
MfxVTK provides effects from the Visualization ToolKit as an OpenMfx plug-in.
MfxHoudini is an OpenMfx plug-in that calls the Houdini Engine to be able to run any Houdini Digital Asset as a mesh effect.
MfxExamples is a simple repository using the C++ SDK that one can use as a starter pack.
Simple example#
Here is a really simple example of how to use the API
#include <OpenMfx/Sdk/Cpp/Plugin/MfxEffect>
#include <OpenMfx/Sdk/Cpp/Plugin/MfxRegister>
class MyEffect : public MfxEffect {
OfxStatus Describe(OfxMeshEffectHandle descriptor) override {
AddParam("axis", 1)
.Range(0, 2);
AddParam("translation", { 0.0, 0.0 })
return kOfxStatOK;
OfxStatus Cook(OfxMeshEffectHandle instance) override {
// ...